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AC function

In addition to efficient air conditioning repair near Frisco, there are several ways to keep your air conditioner’s efficiency high. Often, maximizing air conditioner efficiency has little to do with the unit itself. You will want to perform some simple and necessary tasks around your home to keep your energy bill low and your air conditioner running great.

Install Fans

A great way to maximize your air conditioner’s cooling ability is through fans. Ceiling and floor fans help distribute the air throughout your room. As your AC unit cools the space, the fans can spread the cool air, taking some of the burdens off your AC.

Seal Windows and Cracks

For various reasons, you should check all of your windows, doors, and seals. Cool or hot air can be escaping through the tiniest of cracks throughout the house. Purchase weather stripping material and caulk to seal up any possible areas your cool air could be leaking through.

Change Filters

The first step in air conditioner maintenance is to always check your air filters. Filters should be changed every few months depending on how often you use the air conditioning. Whenever you notice your air conditioner losing its efficiency, check the air filter.

Schedule Maintenance

Schedule a professional AC tune-up at least once a year. Every year your unit goes without a good cleaning and tune-up, it loses a percentage of its efficiency. The longer your unit continues without professional maintenance, the more energy it uses without the same cooling output. The more energy the unit uses, the more money you have to spend without the added benefit of cooling services.

Program Your Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can be a huge help for maintaining an efficient HVAC system. With a programmable thermostat, you can schedule when your air conditioner comes on and how cold your house remains while you are away. This way, you won’t have to crank the AC when you come home each day.

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