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Air Masters Payment & Financing Options

At Air Masters in Frisco, TX, we understand that replacing your home cooling system can be a major financial burden, running anywhere from a couple thousand dollars to more than $7,000. But it’s often an investment that pays off in terms of comfort and energy bills down the line, making for a difficult decision if your AC unit is in need of replacement.

That’s why we offer AC financing options through Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. to help make replacing your home cooling system convenient. Subject to credit approval,  you can get your new AC unit through a simple, quick application process, paying for it over time with monthly installments instead of paying the full cost upfront.

The Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. with approved credit. Apply for the Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card by selecting the button below.

Air Conditioning Financing Plans

Our team at Air Masters in Frisco, TX, works with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. to provide you with financing options to pay for your replacement air conditioning system.

Our convenient financing options come with a host of benefits, including:

  • No down payment needed
  • Quick Credit Decisions
  • Quick application process
  • Convenient Monthly Payments
  • No minimum purchase required

We also accept credit card payments, with AC credit payment options including MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.

Whatever your financial situation or your air conditioning replacement needs, AC financing is always an option. We’ll work with you and Wells Fargo to get you the financing plan you need, helping set up monthly payments that take the burden off of the decision to get a new home cooling system.

Benefits of Replacing Your Home Cooling System

Although it can be an expensive investment, replacing your home cooling system has a wide range of benefits that make the investment worth it. Some of the many benefits of replacing your air conditioning system include:

Comfort and Safety

First and foremost, replacing your air conditioning system is key to maintaining comfort and safety in the hot Texas summers. An AC system that breaks regularly or is nearing the end of its life will likely leave you stuck in the heat in the middle of summer, a potentially dangerous prospect for elderly individuals or those with health conditions. A new air conditioning system will give you the peace of mind that you’ll be comfortable all year round.

Reduced Energy Bills

New air conditioning systems are far more energy efficient than older models, reducing your carbon footprint and helping save you money on utility bills. Those savings will help offset the cost of the initial investment in the system.

Savings on Repairs

If you have an air conditioning system that’s old or regularly breaks, you’re likely shelling out money for repairs on a pretty routine basis. Taking the leap to buy a replacement air conditioning system will help save you money on continuing to pay for repairs on an old unit.

With all of these benefits and more, it’s easy to see why many homeowners are hesitant to put off replacing their AC system. And with our AC financing options, you don’t have to either.

Financing provided by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. with approved credit.

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