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Reliable Air Duct Services by Certified HVAC Technicians

One of the most overlooked aspects of indoor air quality is the condition of your home’s air ducts. Most homeowners don’t think about them because they’re simply out of sight – that is, of course, until they break and are in need of repair or replacement. At Air Masters, we provide professional air duct repair, cleaning, and replacement for residents in Frisco and the surrounding area. With our trained HVAC technicians and proprietary equipment, we make sure your HVAC ductwork system is thoroughly functional and working as intended. Contact us for your free estimate and start breathing clean air again.

man repairing duct work

Why Choose Air Masters for Your Air Duct Repair and Maintenance?

Whether you’re looking to repair your home’s ducts or for an A/C replacement, our expert team at Air Masters is committed to helping homeowners in the Frisco area keep their homes cool and comfortable. With 30 years of experience under our belt, you can trust the skills of our N.A.T.E. certified technicians and the quality of our heaters and A/C units. From ductwork installation to A/C repairs and maintenance, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive services to accommodate all your home heating and cooling needs. We also offer air conditioning systems from trusted brands like Trane and Carrier. At Air Masters, we know that buying or repairing a home A/C is a significant investment. We offer a wide range of financing options with approved credit to make it more convenient for you to replace or repair your ductwork and A/C system. We also have several special offers that include rebates and discounts. Call Air Masters LLC now for a free estimate or ask about our flexible payment options. Breathe the difference!

4 Telltale Signs That Your Air Duct System Has Problems

Recognizing air duct problems and fixing them before they get worse is, by far, the best approach. If you notice the following telltale signs in your home, your ductwork system may be due for an inspection.

Your Energy Bills Are Increasing

It’s normal for energy bills to fluctuate from one month to the next. However, if there were no significant changes to the weather and your usage, but your bills have gotten more expensive, there could be an issue with your air ducts. If your ductwork has leaks or is clogged with dust, your A/C will have to work harder to cool your home.

Your A/C Is Working Overtime

On a hot day in Frisco, you expect your A/C to cool your house down within an hour or two. If your A/C has been running for hours but has barely cooled down your home, there’s probably something wrong with your A/C system, or you might be dealing with a dirty or leaking air duct. Air duct leaks can cause the cold air from the A/C to escape.

Your House Is Dustier

It’s difficult to completely prevent dust in an indoor environment, especially when you live in Texas. However, if you find yourself battling dust bunnies more often than you’re used to, your HVAC ductwork may be the culprit. If there’s a leak or dust buildup inside the ducts, more dust will be blown through the vents.

Your Family Has More Health Problems

A problematic air duct can lead to health problems such as allergies, asthma, and respiratory disorders. If people inside your home are suffering from new or worsening symptoms, it’s a good idea to check your air ducts.

Schedule Your Estimate or Service Today